Wednesday, July 18, 2018

The usefulness of Soursop leaves for the body, skin, and hair

Soursop fruit can be eaten raw or processed into juice, but presumably the popularity is not as popular as its fruit soursop leaves so many people have not yet realized the usefulness of soursop leaves. Soursop or often referred to as ' Dutch ' or ' jackfruit durian Netherlands ' has the latin name Annona muricata l. and comes from the Caribbean, Central America and South America. The name of the Language is taken from the soursop Netherlands zuurzak meaning ' sour ' SAC. Soursop itself was first brought to Indonesia by the Netherlands East Indies colonial Government, even though it did not come from continental Europe. Soursop plants suitable to grow in the tropics, because the plant can grow in any place as long as it gets enough water.

The usefulness of Soursop leaves: Secrets finally revealed
Everyone knows that the soursop fruit is good for health. Fiber, carbohydrates, vitamin C, vitamin B1, and vitamin B2 soursop fruit making its good for the digestive system, skin, and nervous system. Soursop fruit plays an important role also produces antioxidants which help to strengthen our body's defense system. However, what about the leaves? These last few years, researchers have finally discovered some usability soursop leaves to fight various diseases.

Killing cancer cells
Soursop leaf proved effective killing 12 types of cancer cells so that it can prevent cancer of the colon, breast, prostate, lung, and pancreas. Unlike chemotherapy, soursop leaf consumption does not cause side effects such as nausea, weight loss, or hair loss. Even so, it still has to be further examined how far the effectiveness of soursop leaf (quantitatively) as compared to conventional cancer therapy in inhibiting the growth of cancer cells.

To get the soursop leaf in rooting out the usefulness of cancer cells, boiled 10 sheets soursop leaves an old one in 3 cups of water. Boil until the water receded until approximately 1 cup of staying the course. Give this mixture on cancer survivors twice a day for two weeks for significant results. Soursop fruit itself contains substances that can stop the growth of damaged cells before the cells develop into cancer. While the soursop leaf can not only kill abnormal cells, but also protects other healthy cells in order to grow properly.

Prevent diabetes
Some of the results showed that the soursop leaves can stabilize and maintain blood sugar levels in the body. Normally, blood sugar levels before meals ranged between 70-130 mg/dL. Two hours after a meal, normal blood sugar levels should not exceed 180 mg/dL. Whereas for at least eight hours of fasting blood sugar levels, normally less than 100 mg/dL.

Prevent osteoporosis
Vulnerable to osteoporosis experienced by a person who is deficient in calcium intake and women entering menopause. At a time when the body is deficient in calcium, the body will take calcium reserves in bone and reduces its density. In women, the menopausal period when he entered her body no longer produces the hormone estrogen. When the hormone estrogen can affect attachment to the bone. As a result, bones become more fragile.

The usefulness of the soursop leaves another lies in the content of calcium and phosphorus in it, where the two substances is beneficial to increase bone density and therefore prevent the occurrence of osteporosis. Of course, in addition to consuming soursop leaves, someone should also increase the intake of other sources of calcium such as milk, dairy products, and vegetables such as green broccoli.

Relieve back pain
Back pain can be caused by injury while exercising or because the wrong position when lifting stuff. To relieve back pain, you can leverage the benefits of soursop leaves. 0-20 sheets soursop leaves, then boil in 5 cups water. Once boiling, wait a minute to cool then immediately drink water at least once a day to relieve Your back pain.
Increase stamina and endurance
Good in both fruit soursop leaves contained carbohydrates in the form of fructose (a simple form of sugar). Therefore, consume the fruit and leaves of the soursop can keep you berstamina and fresh throughout the day. When you consume the following fruit, soursop leaves your endurance will also increase. This is because, as has been explained soursop fruit contains vitamin c. Vitamin C acts as an antioxidant that can protect your body from free radicals cause diseases.

Prevent build-up of uric acid
Some research also shows one of the usefulness of the soursop leaves which are protecting the body from buildup of uric acid. Actually uric acid naturally produced by the body. However, several factors can cause a buildup of uric acid in the body issuing such as failure or due to too much to consume foods high in purin.

To reduce the levels of uric acid in the body, boiled soursop leaves in 2 cups of water over low heat until the water is shrinking until approximately 1 cup only. And then you can immediately take it. For best results, we recommend that you the drinking of water decoction of the soursop leaves twice a day, at morning and night.

Relieve pain in the wound
Soursop leaves contain substances analgesics that can reduce the pain. Therefore, traditional societies often collides with soursop leaves and then paste it on the wound. In addition to relieving pain, the SAP from the leaves of the soursop pounded also plays a role in the process of wound healing. In the case of great pain, boil 20 sheets soursop leaves in 5 cups of water until the remaining approximately 3 cups of water rebusannya. Drink 1 cup of once a day or until pain subsides.

Treat thrush
The usefulness of soursop leaves the next one is to treat thrush. How is very easy. Take a sheet of soursop leaves, mashed until smooth, mix a little water to form a paste, then apply on thrush. Soursop leaf is believed to have properties which can gradually decrease the size of the canker sores until healed him at all.

Treating Eczema
Eczema is one of the skin disease that occurs due to inflammation of the skin on the outside. You may be developing eczema when the skin appears reddish-colored liquid that bubbles, itchy, watery, harden, and changes color. In medical terms, it is called also with atopic dermatitis.

To treat eczema, you can use a soursop leaf that has been finely ground. Rub the collision the soursop leaves on affected skin areas with slowly (do not menggosokkannya too hard to prevent further skin damage). A natural analgesic substances contained in soursop leaves also play a role in alleviating the pain of eczema.

Make your sleep more soundly
Soursop leaf uses this one definitely not You thought-would have thought. Yes, soursop leaf can help you sleep better. The trick is to turn it into aromatherapy. Aromatherapy can make you calmer and your sleep higher quality turns out to be not only sourced from lavender, camomile, lemon, jasmine, sandalwood, or other that you already know. So, if you're experiencing insomnia, herbal aromatherapy from soursop leaves you can try.

Protect from head lice hair
Soursop leaf to effectively repel parasites. Someone could be having head lice hair not because he was lazy keep clean hair, however it may be because the environmental conditions that are less supportive. Hair lice can reproduce very quickly, so that it can cause itchiness that wonderful (not to mention the feeling of embarrassment if anyone caught having a hair lice). Herb collision soursop leaves you can try to apply it to the scalp to eradicate the fleas that are on there.

In Indonesia, the plant soursop is relatively easy to come by since these plants can grow anywhere, even in height can be up to 9 meters. The plant soursop can grow well in the area up to as high as 1000 m above sea level. So, wait for what again? While enjoying the delights of the fruit, prove the usability benefits of soursop leaf now!

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